Best Places To Sell Textbooks – 14 Places For Top Deals

Knowing how and where to sell your books can be difficult. Often, it can be hard to find an interested buyer or get paid as quickly as you want to. Luckily, below are the thirteen best places to sell textbooks online that will let you set an excellent selling price or offer you a buyback price. In addition, some of the platforms below will pay you in-store credit.
Once you enter the ISBN or scan the bar code on your books, you’ll get the best price and can decide if you want the money. If you like the buyback price, you’ll be able to get the books out of your way and get paid via many different platforms, like Paypal or check.
Best Places To Sell Textbooks
Whether you’re currently in college looking to make money by selling last semester’s books or graduated a while ago but haven’t gotten rid of those old textbooks, selling books online is a great option to make some money back and improve your personal finance. By using the platforms below to sell your used textbooks, you’ll be able to get rid of them and sell used books that you no longer want.
1. BookScouter
BookScouter is one of the best places for college students and other people to sell and buy textbooks and used books. To find out their prices for your books, enter your ISBN and get a free quote right away. Then, if you like the offer, they’ll give you a free shipping label to send the books over. So you don’t have to worry about shipping costs.
BookScouter promises to give you the most money for your books compared to other platforms that buy books online. First, however, ensure to compare buyback prices.
Click Here To Get Started2. TextbookX
If you want to sell your new or used textbooks, TextbookX is a great platform to look into. On TextbookX, you can find an interested buyer fast and ship your book out to them. The best part about TextbookX is that you can name your price, creating an opportunity to make more money.
To sell college textbooks on this platform, enter the book’s ISBN and answer a few questions about its current condition. Then, you’ll start receiving offers that you can either accept or decline.
Click Here To Get Started3. CampusBooks
CampusBooks is a textbook buyback business that lets you sell your textbooks to interested students. Once your book sells, you can get paid via direct deposit, PayPal, cash, or check.
Before selling on this textbook buyback site, make sure that the books you’re selling are used primarily for academic purposes. This platform is targeted toward students looking to purchase college textbooks.
Click Here To Get Started4. Sell Back Your Book
Sell Back Your Book is an online platform that lets you sell your books, primarily textbooks, online. You can also browse their website to get a feel for their buyback prices, find half-price books, and see the new edition textbook prices.
Once you enter your ISBN on your book, you’ll be able to get an instant offer from a textbook buyer and ship the book out to them. Within three business days of receiving your book, they will pay you.
Click Here To Get Started5. CollegeBooksDirect
If you want to sell your new or used textbook, CollegeBooksDirect is the best website for textbook buybacks. You can get an instant offer by entering your book’s ISBN. Then, they’ll connect it to an interested buyer and pay you right away. Note that the platform does not offer free shipping.
Click Here To Get Started6. Amazon
Amazon Textbooks Trade-In Program will buy back almost any textbook that you can think of, unlike other sites. If you want to sell your school books online to other students, Amazon is a great platform. Selling textbooks on Amazon is also a great way to become an established seller and extra cash. You can also rent textbooks o this platform.
Click Here To Get Started7. BookByte
BookByte is one of the best buyback online sites out there. On BookByte, you can quickly sell your used or new textbooks and get paid in cash or through PayPal.
Once you enter all of the information about your textbooks, BookByte will give you an instant offer and send you a prepaid shipping label so that you can send your books to them at no extra cost. Then, they’ll pay you through a check or PayPal.
Click Here To Get Started8. Barnes and Noble
Barnes and Noble’s textbook buyback program is a great way to get rid of your textbooks fast. For Barnes & Noble to accept textbooks, they must be at least $10 worth. Then, you’ll be able to get an instant quote, ship the book out to them with a shipping label from the post office or local UPS store, and get paid quickly.
This is a great platform to use if you want to sell used textbooks or books that you no longer read at the best prices. However, if the front or back cover is not in good condition, they may not accept your book.
Click Here To Get Started9. ValoreBooks
ValoreBooks is a great platform that lets people hold book sales online. Part of ValoreBooks’ popularity comes from the fact that they offer some of the best buyback prices. They’ll also take just about any textbook you’re willing to sell, whether or not they are significant publications.
Click Here To Get Started10. BookFinder
BookFinder has a textbook buyback program that lets you sell any book you’d like, whether from your campus bookstore or a New York Times best-seller. If you have books to sell, you can get an offer on BookFinder right away and sell the item quickly to get paid through a check or PayPal.
Click Here To Get Started11. Facebook Marketplace
If you want to sell textbooks directly to people near you, Facebook Marketplace is a great platform. On Facebook Marketplace, you can post items you want to sell and categorize them accordingly. You can also choose a fixed price and receive offers from interested buyers.
If a local buyer is interested in your book, they’ll purchase it through the platform or send a newly proposed price. If you like the price, you can ship out the item to them or schedule a time to meet up and get your money for the book.
Click Here To Get Started12. Decluttr
Decluttr may not seem like a place to sell books, but you can sell used college textbooks here. First, download the app and enter the book’s ISBN number or scan the bar code in your app before sending it. Then wait for the price.
If you agree with the price, you’ll accept the offer and print out a pre-paid mailing label. Next, mail the books, and you’ll get paid after Declutrr receives them. Note that if the used textbooks are not in the condition you described, you’ll get paid less.
Click Here To Get Started13. Cash4Books
Use this platform if you need to sell books quickly to boost your personal finance. Cash4Books sells books from minor and major publications. To sell textbooks, enter the ISBN, wait for an offer, accept it, and print out a pre-paid label to ship the book.
Unlike sites that use store credits, payment is through PayPal or check. Cash4Books mostly accepts college textbooks, so check smaller textbook vendors to resell your used book if you’re a high schooler.
Also, this site only sells books published from 2016. So, if you want to sell older books, visit another website. Finally, Cash4Books has a list with their top 500 titles, so you can see the books that make the most cash and what they pay for them.
Click Here To Get Started14. AbeBooks
AbeBooks is the platform to use if you have a rare vintage textbook with no ISBN or want to sell an international edition. AbeBooks will buy the book directly from you and offer free shipping using FedEx.
Click Here To Get StartedFinal Thoughts: Getting the Best Price for Your Textbooks
The buyback sites above are great for people who want to sell books from the school bookstore or books they no longer use. Selling online gives you flexibility and often lets you pick the price. However, note that some sites will offer different prices for the same book.
Do you want to sell other items apart from books? Check out how to sell sneakers online and how to sell stuff on Poshmark.